Saturday, December 8, 2007


What's that you say? I keep checking Tony & Todd's and I haven't seen anything new and I'm beginning to lose interest? Well stop right there so we may peak that dwindling interest. We've been hard at work on some new developments we'd like to share with you. First, if you haven't noticed yet, has a new look. And with that look comes a whole slew of new features. So, we're in the process of moving all our TnT stuff over to the new website for easier access. We're hoping to get all of that up and running by the end of next week. We'll keep you posted on that. And second, we've completed shooting for our half-hour special we'll be airing on the actual television. Yes, you heard me. A half-hour special. All the shooting and most of the editing is complete. We're still in the post-production phase. We don't have a definite time slot yet because we're still working with our programming director but we'll definitely let you know as soon as we know. More to come...


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